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Writer's pictureJohn Beaudine

I Still Can't Sleep

Throughout most of the year, I've been having trouble getting a good night's sleep. The most recurring issue has been waking up having slept for at least four hours and then just being wide awake from that point on. Even the nighttime cold relief medicine that I had taken for my little spring cold didn't knock me out for the entire night last week. So if this is the new normal, then I might have to make the most out of it. As I mentioned in the first post of my blog, I did return to running. But with it being rainy when I decided to roll out of bed around 6 a.m., I decided to drive around and get some photography in.

I also felt like being a little experimental this morning with Photoshop this morning. It's something I've done before with my photograph of the Tastee Freez sign from a few years ago. You can see the result of that one in the Minnesota album on this website's albums section.

Thanks for viewing this blog and my photographs. - John Beaudine

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